The Provost and Dean of Faculties support faculty research and teaching. Based on the availability of resources, these programs change from year-to-year.
目前有有限的全年休假,年假为工资的80%. Those wishing to apply for these grants should follow the same procedure as described in 公休假 and check their preference for an eighty-percent sabbatical on the application form. Information on the application procedure in each school is available from the dean. Like the 教师奖学金计划, these grants are intended to promote faculty research and scholarly publication. 批出资助的准则如下:
- Demonstrated competence in the area of projected research
- Value of the research as a contribution to knowledge
- Benefit of the research to the professional development of the applicant
- Effect on the academic vitality of 电子游戏软件
- Likelihood of scholarly publication.
During an eighty-percent full-year sabbatical, 退休计划供款, which are a percentage of 工资 received, 会降价20%吗.
Tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply for a Fellowship. 在电子游戏软件工作至少五年的其他全职教师也符合条件. 申请人在申请奖学金的两个学期内不得有或预期有休假. Criteria for awarding Fellowships include:
- Demonstrated competence in the area of projected research
- Value of the research as a contribution to knowledge
- Benefit of the research to the professional development of the applicant
- Effect on the academic vitality of 电子游戏软件
- Likelihood of scholarly publication
The 教职员电子游戏正规平台补助金 program has two components, 电子游戏正规平台费用补助金, 及电子游戏正规平台奖励补助金. Tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply. 有关电子游戏正规平台开支补助金及电子游戏正规平台奖励补助金的建议,均由适当的委员会审核。委员会的成员是经与 大学电子游戏正规平台委员会.
电子游戏正规平台费用补助金 finance the 小 expenses of doing research. 这些费用包括, 但不限于, 借书证的付款, 去图书馆, 图书馆电脑服务, photocopying at libraries or of journal articles requested through interlibrary loan, 还有学生助理的工资. The typical award will be for several hundred dollars or less. The maximum for a single research expense grant is $2,000. 教师应注意,电子游戏正规平台费用补助基金只能用于与电子游戏正规平台相关的费用,不能用作收入. Funds are not granted retroactively.
秋季奖项- 10月
春季奖- 4月
Application forms and guidelines are available on the 内部资金 网站.
N.B. For time restrictions placed on the expenditure of research expense grant funds, consult the guidelines issued by the Office for Sponsored Programs.
电子游戏正规平台奖励补助金 是为了支持希望从暑假开始并持续到下一学年进行电子游戏正规平台的个别教员. Applicants are expected to have attempted to obtain extramural support to the extent possible; this effort will be taken into account by the 电子游戏正规平台奖励补助金 committee. Purposes for which grant funds may be used include, 但不限于, 工资, 设备, 旅行, 供应, and computer time that directly contribute to the success of the proposal. The research must be performed directly by the faculty member receiving the grant. 15笔拨款中有9笔主要用于支持非终身教职教师提出的优秀建议, for the purpose of establishing their research programs.
Awards are made on a university-wide competitive basis.
电子游戏软件 holds memberships in the Museum of Fine Arts (MFA) and the Museum of Science.
作为MFA的成员,该大学全年有15个永久通行证可供教师访问. These passes may be borrowed at the main desk in the O'Neill Library. 学生 gain admission by showing their BC ID.
Tickets to the Museum of Science may be obtained in the Robsham Theater Box Office. 教师 may escort their classes to special scientific exhibits, 讲座, 或参观博物馆.
教务长和学院院长办公室为新教员举办了一些迎新活动. 8月, 在上课之前, 校长和教务长主持一个迎新活动,向新教员介绍大学的资源.
教务长办公室偶尔会为那些从外部机构或机构获得奖学金或赠款的教员提供一学期或一年的释放时间, but does not cover 100% of the faculty member’s regular 工资 and benefits for the period. 这些“顶级奖励”或“顶级奖励”旨在鼓励教师申请并接受为大学提供认可的著名奖项.
鼓励教师将他们从奖学金或补助金中释放的时间与他们的公休或申请教师奖学金假,以便最大限度地保持他们在此期间的全额工资和福利. 在这种情况下是不可行的, 教师应尽快与系主任和院长讨论,以确定他们是否有资格获得奖金.
In general, the following conditions will apply in any 工资 top-off:
1) The fellowship or grant must be prestigious, competitive and awarded through a rigorous selection process. A sample of the type of awards that would qualify is provided in the Appendix. 如果不确定, 教员应询问系主任和院长,该奖项是否符合奖金标准.
2) The amount of the top-off is limited to the 小 (1) 50美元,或(ii)补助金或奖学金期间该教员工资的100%. 在特殊情况下, 对于国内或国际上最负盛名的奖学金,可能会授予更高的金额.
3) 教师 may avail of top-offs only once every four years of service.
4) 教师 are expected to return for at least a year of service following the top-off.
5) The period of the leave will not count as semesters of service towards a sabbatical.
操作上, 要求奖学金或资助机构将奖金直接汇给电子游戏软件的教职员工,而该教职员工在本学期或年度仍在不列颠哥伦比亚省的工资单上. This ensures that the faculty member retains full benefits, 包括退休和医疗, 即使在休假期间.
Examples of Prestigious Fellowships
- American Academy of Arts and Sciences 访问ing Scholar Program
- American Council of Learned Societies
- 美国哲学学会
- 安德鲁·W. Mellon Foundation New Direction Fellowship
- 福特基金会
- Getty Foundation Residential Grants
- 古根海姆奖学金
- 洪堡
- Institute of International Education (Fulbright)
- 高等电子游戏正规平台院
- 马克斯·普朗克电子游戏正规平台所
- National Endowment for the Humanities
- 美国国立卫生电子游戏正规平台院
- Radcliffe 高等电子游戏正规平台院 at Harvard
- Woodrow Wilson Foundation Career Enhancement Fellowships
The 教职员电子游戏正规平台补助金 program has two components, 电子游戏正规平台费用补助金, 及电子游戏正规平台奖励补助金. Tenured and tenure-track faculty are eligible to apply. 有关电子游戏正规平台开支补助金及电子游戏正规平台奖励补助金的建议,均由适当的委员会审核。委员会的成员是经与 大学电子游戏正规平台委员会.
电子游戏正规平台费用补助金 finance the 小 expenses of doing research. 这些费用包括, 但不限于, 借书证的付款, 去图书馆, 图书馆电脑服务, photocopying at libraries or of journal articles requested through interlibrary loan, 还有学生助理的工资. The typical award will be for several hundred dollars or less. The maximum for a single research expense grant is $2,000. 教师应注意,电子游戏正规平台费用补助基金只能用于与电子游戏正规平台相关的费用,不能用作收入. Funds are not granted retroactively.
秋季奖项- 10月
春季奖- 4月
申请表格及指引可向文理及管理学系主任索取, 还有其他学校的院长, 或者来自中心中心.
N.B. For time restrictions placed on the expenditure of research expense grant funds, consult the guidelines issued by the Center for Centers.
电子游戏正规平台奖励补助金 是为了支持希望从暑假开始并持续到下一学年进行电子游戏正规平台的个别教员. Applicants are expected to have attempted to obtain extramural support to the extent possible; this effort will be taken into account by the 电子游戏正规平台奖励补助金 committee. Purposes for which grant funds may be used include, 但不限于, 工资, 设备, 旅行, 供应, and computer time that directly contribute to the success of the proposal. The research must be performed directly by the faculty member receiving the grant. 15笔拨款中有9笔主要用于支持非终身教职教师提出的优秀建议, for the purpose of establishing their research programs.
Awards are made on a university-wide competitive basis.
教学, 谘询及辅导补助金, 每个价值15美元,000, are available annually on a competitive basis. The project must be initiated during the summer months, but the project period may continue through the following academic year. TAM资助直接由教师申请人进行的教学或建议项目. Joint applications from more than one faculty member are also encouraged. 除了极少数情况, TAM grants will not be awarded to a faculty member more than once in three years.
大学教学委员会(UCT)邀请创造性和创新性的教学建议, 建议, and mentoring of students at 电子游戏软件. The UCT favors proposals that go beyond the normal preparation of courses expected of faculty. Proposals involving teams of faculty are particularly encouraged, as are assessment-related proposals, 哪个应该关注学生的学习和课程规划,目的是在项目改进决策中使用结果证据. 要求开发新课程的设计应使其影响超越单一课程,并在某一系或学校的课程中具有可持续性. Almost any expense can be covered by a grant, 总共不超过5美元,每项奖学金的夏季津贴为000英镑.e., maximum of $5,000 for one faculty member, $2,500 each for two if split equally, etc.). The maximum amount of a grant is $15,000, although proposals seeking less funding are encouraged and may be more competitive. 在项目结束时, 项目结果的简要总结应在4月13日之前提交给教务长办公室, 2022.
旅游经费用于鼓励教师参加校外的专业活动. 这些资金是有限的,教师报销费用的程度可能会有所不同. 旅行通常由系主任(如适用)或院长批准. The level of support will be based on the funding available, 资金需求, 专业活动对教员的潜在影响以及他或她在大学的工作效率. 教师应查阅各自学院出版的指南,或与院长联系,了解适用于各自学院的更具体的旅行指南.